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Training facility

Training Facility

The Sacramento Power Academy offers a variety of hands-on and classroom training resources. When you add our mild and predicable weather, you have the perfect environment to meet your year-round training needs. Take a tour of our facilities below. If you're interested in using our space, get in contact with us.

Take a tour of our facilities:

The "Hot Yard"

This live-line training area simulates the overhead distribution system for line training.

The "Orchard"

Comprised of two dozen wood poles, this area is used to train line apprentices in techniques and maneuvering utility poles.

Mock substaion

Used to simulate the functionality of a substation found in the SMUD system.

Onsite training buildings

We have the space and equipment perfect for presentations, discussions and written tests.

Administrative buildings

Our main building offers a classroom facility with conference rooms, training rooms and computer labs.